Sunday, November 25, 2007

Los Jeans de Madres

OK, so has anybody else noticed this? First we have the earth- shattering news that "high waisted" denim is back in style. Obvs, there are some extreme examples of, like, rib scraping quasi jumpsuits in the Diesel campaign and on Rianna and other young entertainers whose stylists should be fired. For example:

UGLY!! Seriously, DO NOT WANT. And I am the biggest fashion victim/ blind follower of trends ever. Even a trend whore like me knows that this is a no-go.

But. Sometimes it is nice to not have to worry about showing one's underwear whilst perched on a bar stool. So maybe this trend can be interpreted in a useful way. Here is Rachel Bilson wearing kinda sorta high waisted jeans:

Simple, nice, blah blah blah. But would anyone besides a fashion nerd like me really even notice?

So. I guess the answer is clear. No matter how much I want to follow this trend... it is stupid. Extreme high waists are noticeable and fashion-y, but HIDEOUS. Sorta high waists aren't noticeable enough- people would probs just think you were trying to hide your bulgy stomach or something. (Is "bulgy" a word?)

I wonder what the gays think...

Here are some high waisted jeans on a dude:

Hmm... not so bad. I am feeling the aloha spirit..

But! THIS guy is the fierceness, and perhaps the originator of the trend. Behold:

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