Saturday, November 10, 2007

Life is Always Better With a Few Sequins!

OK, so I'm sure that pretty much everyone who pays any attention at all to fashion has noticed that sequined mini dresses are super trendy right now. Most dresses of this ilk are verah verah short, and come usually in either a T-shirt or tank top esque permutation. They are mostly dark colored, but can also be gold or silver. Horizontal stripes are also a very common motif. Any Forever 21 kind of store has this style right now. And really, who can resist the siren song of the sequin (or gratuitous alliteration)?

I like to be ahead of the curve, so I have declared a personal moratorium on the dark and/ or metallic sequin mini dress. My own French Connection version from holiday 06 is going to have a nice long hibernation in the back of the closet. However. My heart aches for the sequin. Until! Mizz Agyyyynnnneess Deyn (love her, hate the pretentious spelling) came stomping down the Preen runway in THIS little number.

I loooovvee the baggy fit and the color. And the back! I am a sucker for interesting back detailing. Behold:

So this Preen dress has inspired me to search for a white sparkly dress that has a more interesting silhouette than the boring T shirt dress. Here are two I found on shopbop.

This one is from Paul and Joe.

And this one is from Foley and Corinna.

The problem is they are both too expensive, and more importantly, not nearly as amazing as the dress from Preen. Sigh.

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